The Alpaca Difference

Alpacas are a highly revered animal in South America dating back hundreds of years with ties to ancient traditions. Yearly the animals are sheared like sheep for the warmer months, giving them a breath of relief from the warmer temperature to come. The alpacas are never harmed and we only source material with small artisans and highly respected producers of the fibers. Feel easy, alpacas are treated as well as their warm fleece will treat you!

Many consider alpaca wool to be a higher quality material than cashmere.  Alpaca is one of the world’s most valuable natural fibers. Don’t believe us? Just ask any Incan Emperor why only the royal families were allowed to wear it!

Alpaca wool does NOT contain lanolin, the chemical in many natural fibers responsible for people’s allergies.  So, you’ll not experience the itching or scratching other wool may give.

Alpaca wool has a naturally insulating core, keeping you warm without weighing you down.  Hence, alpaca products don’t need to be nearly as thick for you to be toasty.

Alpaca wool has amazing breathability keeping you comfortably warm without making you sweat. At the same time, it is extremely durable so – with proper care, it will last a very long time.

Alpaca fleece is a naturally organic fiber, requiring no mechanical or chemical processing.   Plus, the animals are eco-friendly in their genetic make-up, as well as to the land they live on.